

A.I.R. is an artistic research conducted by Multiplay during a (remote) artist residency at Science Gallery in Trinity College Dublin and Accenture’s global R&D and innovation centre, The Dock, from March 2020 to March 2021. 

Multiplay is a Spanish artist-designer collective made of: 

Elisa Cuesta

Elisa Cuesta is an artist and designer working around the integration of technology within society and nature, addressing themes such as the value of data, information infrastructures, and the figure of the diagram as a tool for speculation and knowledge generation. Always at the intersection of art, science and digital cultures, she has been artistic coordinator and production manager of public and independent new-media art festivals, such as Tentacular (Matadero Madrid) and MADATAC. Her interest in learning with others led her to be in-house graphic designer at Medialab-Prado, Madrid’s citizen laboratory, and to be part of AIDI, a collective project supporting collaborative design and DIWO practices. She is currently taking an MA in Artistic Research at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (The Hague). Her work has been exhibited at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Gijón), Sala de Arte Joven (Madrid), and Sala Borrón (Oviedo). She has been awarded the Asturias Joven 2019 Award to Young Visual Artists and the XI LABjoven_Los Bragales Production Prize.

In 2020, together with Victoria and Pedro, she was selected for the Artist in Residence program at Science Gallery Dublin and The Dock-Accenture. 

Pedro Arnanz

Pedro Arnanz is an architect and interactive designer based in Madrid. He combines his work as a software consultant with different projects that allow him to focus in cross-disciplinary issues related with architecture, art and design. He has studied different programs like the Postgraduate Program in Advance Infographics, a professional program at the convergence of technology, architecture, art and design; a Web Development Course or an Artificial Intelligence one. As a result, he developed interdisciplinar projects such as “Reading the Turmoil”, in which he created an immersive and reactive environment based on books,  “What We Think”, a contemporanean palimpsest that questions the new era of the image; or “Archllucinations” where he developed a new way to process data to train a Generative Adversarial Network, in order to avoid a simplification of the architectural space.

In 2020, together with Elisa and Victoria, she was selected for the Artist in Residence program at Science Gallery Dublin and The Dock-Accenture.

Victoria de la Torre

Victoria de la Torre is a designer, artist and engineer. She studied Industrial Design Engineering at Polytechnic University of Madrid, and her interests in the social and collaborative aspects of design made her one of the drivers of the collective AIDI. There she has designed, curated and produced different cultural experiences exploring the borders of design. She is also co-promoter of the distributed design studio Macedonia, that holds a special focus on social and cultural innovation through research and design. Victoria is now residing in Utrecht, while taking the Master of Arts at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (HKU), where she is exploring through artistic research transdisciplinary strategies to (un)learn and understand the contemporary context through reflection and creation.

In 2020, together with Elisa and Pedro, she was selected for the Artist in Residence program at Science Gallery Dublin and The Dock-Accenture.

With the invaluable help of:

Mustafa ilhan / TThistory dataviz project

Heri Batundi / Technical support

Hugo Plagnard / Videos & pictures

Lin Chun-Yao / Pictures

David Mingorance / Technical support

Special thanks to all the researchers, artists, scientist, designers and supporters (from Science Gallery Dublin, Accenture's The Dock and the world):

Aisling Murray

Alberto Gonzalez Paje

Andrew Dalton

Anne Kearns

Autumn Brown

Cían Walsh

Claudia Schnaugg

Corrin Foley

Eamon Fox

Emma McLean

Eoin Ó Loideáin

Fionn Kidney

Jasper Roek

Jess Majekodunmi

John Mannion

Karen Hand

Katayoon Barzegar

Ken McKenzie

Louise O’Reilly

Mitzi D’Alton

Niall Morahan

Niamh O’Doherty

Paul O’Neill

Peter Crawley

Rory McCormick